Wait you said do what????
Teacher: “Ok so today class,we are going to run or jog for 20 mins”
That one student: “Wait you said do what?!!,no no see running or jogging is not good for me cause my legs cant run or jog on their own so I have to just sit down and gain my strength that way.”
Teacher:” Ok you don’t have to run or jog,just walk,get your body moving. How’s that??”
That one student:” uh see the thing is walking makes me unbalanced,and walking for too long gives me walkers cramp.”
Teacher:” I seen you the other day,walking around the mall,you told me you been for there for two hours shopping and also hanging with friends.”
That one student:” oh see that was different, I I……. Ok fine I’ll walk,but I’m bringing my water bottle,cause I get tired fast,especially being outside.”
Teacher:”very good,it’s not hot outside,it actually feels great the high today is 72.”
That one student(whispers to self): “I hate exercising.”